Climate change resilience and adaptation
Increasingly, climate change poses significant challenges to communities, businesses, and ecosystems worldwide. As temperatures rise, extreme weather events become more frequent and intense, threatening lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure. The urgent need to build resilience and adapt to these changing climatic conditions has never been more apparent. Climate change resilience and adaptation efforts are essential for safeguarding human health, protecting critical infrastructure, preserving natural resources, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of economies and societies. However, addressing these challenges requires comprehensive strategies that integrate environmental, financial, and infrastructure considerations. From developing resilient infrastructure and ecosystems to implementing adaptive policies and practices, there is a pressing need for collaborative action at local, national, and global levels to build resilience and adapt to the impacts of climate change effectively.
KIWER is a specialized adviser in the climate change and adaptation with extensive experience and expertise. By offering these services, we can help our clients navigate the complex challenges posed by climate change and develop effective strategies to build resilience, reduce vulnerability, and promote sustainable development in a changing climate.
Our specialisation covers:
Featured Projects
Kiwer was part of the team led by EPEM SA responsible for conducting the feasibility study, primary design, and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the following Solid Waste
The project has provided technical assistance to all water and sewerage companies in Kosovo to improve operational, financial and service performance as a contribution to improving financial sustainability. The areas
The project focused on enhancing the institutional and technical capacities of the Water and Wastewater Company Hidroregjioni Jugor of Prizren to effectively manage operations at the new Wastewater Treatment Plant
Phase III of CDP will focus on the rehabilitation of the wastewater management system in the City Khujand (Tajikistan) with an aim to reach compliance with relevant EU directives. In
The EBRD in collaboration with the Aktobe Water Company and the City of Aktobe developed the Aktobe Water Project to upgrade the water and wastewater services in the City of
The EBRD had developed this project together with the Kyzylorda Water Company and the City of Kyzylorda to upgrade the water and wastewater system in the City. The Project helped
KIWER was tasked to carry out Feasibility study, ESIA and main design for Cthe Composting Plant in Gjilan which is listed as the priority project in the Integrated Waste Management
KIWER was part of the team led by RWA tasked with the mid-term revision of the waste management strategy. Project Activities included: Development of recycling targets foreseen/integrated in the draft
The water program financed by Lux Dev in the city of Mitrovica and neighboring municipalities Vushtrri, Skenderaj, and Mitrovica North has been evaluated by the project. A risk assessment was